Go-Tan, NL - Robots transform a sauce cooking business
Go-Tan is a producer of Asian-inspired foods. They introduced Steam Infusion and the APRIL Robotics Batch Processing System into their sauce production to improve production efficiency and flexibility, as well as to achieve net zero. The modernisation of their cooking processes opened up opportunities for new product development, energy efficiency measures, and further growth.
Go-Tan is the largest manufacturer of Asian-inspired sauces in the Netherlands and Europe. They introduced Steam Infusion and the APRIL Robotics Batch Processing System into their sauce production to improve production efficiency and flexibility, as well as to achieve net zero. The modernisation of their cooking processes opened up opportunities for new product development, energy efficiency measures, and further growth.
Go-Tan is family-owned business that has been producing foods for over 65 years. Originally producing coated peanuts, the business moved into producing prawn crackers, then sauces, seasonings, noodles, and other snacks and side dishes.
In 2016, the company decided to build a new factory to accommodate more modern cooking methods that would give them the flexibility to produce sauces with different techniques and in varying quantities. This would enable them to keep up with the increased demand for their products whilst also providing opportunities to improve energy efficiency and achieve net zero.
The existing steam-jacketed cooking vessels couldn’t keep up with demand. As the sauces were cooked from scratch using fresh ingredients, a cooking cycle could take over 1 hour and would lose a large amount of nutrients over that period. This was slowing down production whilst also limiting what could be produced and in what quantity.
They were also interested in using robotics to improve their cooking processes and agreed to partner with OAL to develop the APRIL Robotics Cooking Cell. This presented a challenge as Go-Tan use many ingredients and cooking techniques in their various sauce recipes, so a solution would need to be developed that could cope with both demands.
Furthermore, Go-Tan’s CEO had set a goal of achieving net zero within the company operations within the next 5–10 years. Achieving this required a complete modernisation of their processes, as the factory was over 30 years old and did not have the space or technology to incorporate new equipment, as a different layout was required.
Steam Infusion cooking lance removed from 600L batch vessel
The transformation of Go Tan’s sauce manufacturing has been a collaborative project with OAL over a number of years.
Steam Infusion cooking is a critical part of the APRIL Robotics Batch Processing System. The first step for Go Tan was to ensure their sauces could be made using Steam Infusion. Following successful trials in the UK, a 500L test system was deployed in the Netherlands to allow product matching and new product development. Steam Infusion enabled the reduction in cook time for a 500kg batch from over 60 minutes to less than 8 minutes.
The footprint of an APRIL Batch Processing System is different to a traditional plant due to the radial configuration around the robot. Therefore, Go Tan built a new factory to accommodate the new system.
The APRIL Batch Processing system includes two robots. One robot the “sous chef” is responsible for preparing raw materials. The 2nd robot, “chef” is responsible for moving 600L batch pans around multiple processing stations including high shear, steam infusion cooking, transfer and cleaning.
“The idea of the APRIL Robotics Cooking Cell appealed because I could see all the possibilities it offered: less piping, less waste, less pumps, more flexibility, lower costs, higher capacity – everything I could wish for. I have the first robotic cooking installation in the world, and it’s going to revolutionise the food industry. I think we will be better than anyone else at producing sauces.”
Key results
The new factory and equipment has been a game-changer for Go-Tan. As the first food producer to have a robotic cooking installation, they are now able to make products they could not make before. Despite being smaller than their competition, they are the number one producer in Europe for this product category. This tremendous achievement has been made possible by being cost effective and more flexible, whilst increasing their work capacity. The APRIL system installed offers:
Typical sauce production rates of 2,400 KG/per hour.
Cooking efficiency of circa 100kWh per tonne of finished product.
2 person operation for both ingredient preparation and plant operation (on traditional plants this is typically 6 to 10 people).
Sub 1% product yield losses (previously 5% yield losses with steam jacketed cooking technology).
Simple design for fully automated cleaning using minimal energy and water.
Go-Tan are also now looking to the future and next steps, not only in terms of what else they can produce, but how they can refine the cooking process, improve energy efficiency, and introduce more technology into their business.
Speak to one of our team to discover how you can revolutionise your food cooking processes with Steam Infusion and the APRIL Robotics Cooking Cell.
At a glance
Customer since: 2016
Create a step change in sauce quality and production efficiency
Increase sauce capacity while enabling production flexibility
Improve energy efficiency with a view to achieving net zero emissions
Steam Infusion sauce cooking
2,400 KG/HR APRIL Batch Processing and Weighing sauce system
Co-development and ongoing system support
600kg batch produced in less than 12 minutes
Flexibility to develop new products in small batches
Strong company growth in the last five years driven by the increased factory output