Label Printing
Guarantee every product leaving your factory has the correct printed information and it’s legible. Automate the control and set-up of your offline and online printers.
Stop human input errors and save time with the automatic set-up and monitoring of printers based on rules from a central SKU database and/or ERP.
Control multiple printer vendors, including Domino, ICE, Markem Colos, NiceLabel, and Videojet, from one easy-to-use system.
Proven software solutions to ensure compliance with Aldi, Co-op, Lidl, M&S, Morrison’s, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Waitrose Code of Practices.
Ensure 100% date coding confidence by verifying the date code printed on every pack with APRIL Eye, AI Image Verification.
“The team at OAL are easy to work with, working together we have implemented a robust automated label and date code verification system. The 24/7 support is quick, friendly, and efficient!”
How does the OAL Label Printing System work?
Our team will assist you in the quick and easy setup of the OAL system tailored to your specific requirements. There are 3 key element to the OAL Label Printing Solution:
Master Product Database
A SQL-based database containing each SKU/product and its associated date coding rules and variable field information (grower, variety etc.). The database can be set-up to include avoidance dates, for example December 25th.
Label Design Software
The OAL system integrates with Clarisoft, Domino Quickdesign, Markem COLOS and NiceLabel to give you a seamless printing experience. Label templates pull date codes and variable field data from the Master Product Database.
Printer Control and Monitoring Software
Software to select a SKU and send a label design with print information to your selected printer. The software also monitors printer status, offers concession management and provides customisable alerts.
“The installation team were easy to get on with and very obliging. They already know the food industry and its standards and as such managed the installation accordingly to eliminate product risk and line downtime”
Online Printer Control
The OAL system continuously controls your online printers, automatically setting the label information per your chosen SKU and date coding rules. Instead of your operators manually setting up each printer, the OAL software does it automatically for you. Key features include:
The OAL software monitors the printer's status.
If the printer enters a fault status, the OAL software stops the packing line.
If the printer is disconnected, the OAL system enforces a redownload of label information on reconnection.
Easy Migration from Dataguard, Vector & Bartender Labelling Software
We make it easy to migrate from legacy label printing software with a dedicated onboarding service.
Our team will work with you to transfer your existing product database and templates into the OAL Label Printing Software.
Discover how we helped Wealmoor transfer their offline label print room from Dataguard to OAL.