Spotlight on a career as Automation Development and Support Team Leader
Day in the life of…
Ethan Stone
Ethan Stone is an Automation Development and Support Team Leader at OAL. He lives in Alconbury.
My alarm goes off…
At 7.30am. I’m not a breakfast person so I generally get up and head straight for the shower to wake myself up. I then get dressed and try to wait for my partner to return from her night shift before I head off or sometimes I head straight into work.
I’m responsible for…
The day to day running of my department, which consists of myself and four other engineers. I lead the Factory Systems Automation team, and we are mainly responsible for the line management system (LMS), which is a production line automation solution providing performance monitoring to help increase efficiency within factories. I report to my manager with frequent updates on how we are doing to ensure we deliver the best for our customers. As the primary contact for the department both internally and externally I spend a lot of time speaking with current and prospective clients.
I got the job…
Based upon my previous experience working within automation in the oil and gas industry. I showed that I had a real passion for problem solving, which is ideal for OAL. I flourish in a setting that gives me autonomy to come up with practical solutions to hard technical problems – something I get to put into practice every day!
My typical day…
Could be anything! It could range from interpreting customer requirements and building a proposal for them or I could be working on any of the stages during our project lifecycle, from specification or development to testing and commissioning. Or I could be out and about supporting our customers with one of our existing systems. No two days are the same!
My most memorable moment…
Was graduating from my HNC in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. This was four years of education in parallel to working full time, including being on-call out of hours. It was hard work but it certainly paid off! I never saw myself wearing the gown and walking in a procession to celebrate my education in a cathedral but I’m so glad I did it.
The worst part of my job is…
That there sometimes aren’t enough hours in the day! It can feel like for every item I tick off my to do list, two more get added!
The best part of my job is…
Interacting with experienced engineers across a range of disciplines. From process engineers to plant operators – it’s a two-way conversation. Also, seeing something you’ve developed in action in real life; it’s really rewarding.
After work…
I drive home and cook dinner together with my fiancée. We then chill out and have some well-deserved rest and catch up with each other – I love finding out how her shift at the hospital was and what interesting patients she’s encountered.